These past few weeks were all about projects at school. Little by little, I am finally able to construct clothes from scratch.
Pieces for my own bustier |
In our
Advance Pattern Making class, we were thought how to make a bustier pattern and were asked to make our patterns based on our personal measurements.
Pattern Pieces |
Since I am not model size, my pattern looked weird compared to our standard blocks. I think it was a smart idea for us to do our measurements because it was like a glimpse of the future. After all, not all clients/people are model size so it was like me designing for a real person.
My choice fabric + lining + fusing |
We were given the choice if we wanted to construct a real bustier from our patterns. Our class made a unanimous decision to push through with that challenge. Who wouldn't be excited to make their own clothes for the first time?
After cutting my fabric and lining up my pieces, I realized that there's a lot of pieces to put together and that I had a mountain of work to do. Form that moment, I gained a whole new respect for the art of constructing clothes.
Real Size! |
After sewing my pieces together, I can't wait to see if it will fit me so I asked one of my classmates to take my photo so that I can assess my progress for this project. Of course, it was not even halfway done but I just wanted to marvel on what I achieved so far.
After my short break, I then moved on to adding the boning to make sure that my bustier will have a sturdy form.
After taking a step back and a quick look of my photo with my project, I noticed that my curved design around my gut isn't so flattering. I decided to just make the bottom part of the center front pointy so that it can compliment my voluptuous figure.
Project Bustier Complete! |
So after adding the boning, the lining, the zipper, and several adjustments, I finally finished my first bustier!
Project Bustier: Achievement Unlocked! |
Since I was so proud of what I created, I couldn't wait to wear it. I went on and rocked my look for the day plus my new bustier as I walked from school to Greenbelt. I have to say, nothing beats constructing your own design even if it's just a basic pieces of clothing.
Basic Sewing Project No. 2
Basic Skirt with Lining |
This week, I also completed my second project in our
Basic Sewing class. It's basically the same as my
first project except that it's a bit trickier because of the lining part. I also used a softer an lighter fabric to give myself an additional challenge. Again, I asked Rona to see how it fits her because I used our standard blocks.
Project No.2 Complete! |
So I am now proud to say that I am now officially able to construct basic pieces of clothes. I know that I still have a lot of learning to do but I can't help but be happy for my own baby steps.
Fabric choice for my Project No. 3: Blouse |
I'll just post my Project 3 after I finish it. I don't know why but I am just so excited about my fabric choice. ^_^
So I guess that's all for today.
Au revoir for now my loves!
i love no.3! akin na lang!!!